Staff Training this term

12th March 2019

Practitioners within nursery have undertaken several training and development opportunities,

Karen has completed-

Looking at Schemas, Supporting staff well-being, Exemplary practice with babies, Outstanding practice,Online safety in Early Years, Understanding children, Babies being heard and EYFS progress checks.

Katie has completed- 

Exemplary practice with two year olds

Leanne has completed- 

SEND training, Evaluative practice and impact measurement and FGM safeguarding

Heather has completed-

Suporting 2 year olds in the EYFS, Safguarding, Health & Safety

Cerys has completed-

 introduction into the EYFS

Continuous training and development has a huge impact on practice, and the opportunities that are offered to the children.

Well done to staff below who have showed a commitment to their personal development.
